Planning Commentary

November 10, 2014

Planned Giving Problems and Solutions: Make Sure Your Wishes Come True

It is inconsistent that so many generous folks, who relished giving during their lifetime, leave […]
September 28, 2014

529 Plans for Higher Education: Five Reasons You Should Consider Funding One

As we come to the start of another school year, you may be thinking about […]
September 28, 2013

Federal estate-tax law permanence and NC repeal: Time to revisit your plans

Amid a host of headlines out of Raleigh is the news that North Carolina has […]
June 28, 2009

Does Diversification Still Work?

It has been said that in times of great crisis, all correlations go to one. […]
October 28, 2006

Market Ignores “Hand Wringing” Problems

This article was written on October 9, 2006 by J. Frank Bragg, Jr., Founder and […]
May 28, 2005

You Can’t have your Money and Spend it Too

Am I leasing a lifestyle?” This is a question we all need to ask ourselves […]
December 10, 2000

Daddy Missed the Tech Boom

My Daddy was born in 1898, and with the beginning of this year (2000), he […]