Planning Commentary

June 28, 2015

Hidden Taxes

Many US taxpayers recall the high income tax rates of the early 1980’s. In 1981, […]
April 28, 2015

Retirement Under Construction

Retirement “ain’t what it used to be,” or likely isn’t what we thought it would […]
April 28, 2015

Good Debt and Bad Debt

I wish I had borrowed a million bucks back in March of 2009 as the […]
March 28, 2015

Turning 64

As my children grow older, it seems life moves a little faster each year. In […]
January 13, 2015

Asset Location for Tax Efficiency: What You Need to Know

Many investors spend more time worrying about what securities to own and relatively little time considering where to own […]
December 28, 2014

‘Tis the Season

During the holidays, many people’s thoughts turn to gifts. Folks find they are either spending […]
December 1, 2014

Roth IRAs for Everyone

What is a Roth IRA and why is it such a great deal? Since its […]
December 1, 2014

Kiddie Tax Class 101

See Kiddie Tax Update, dated January 2018 Just what is the Kiddie Tax, and how does […]
November 28, 2014

Wise Charitable Giving Via Beneficiary Designations

In spite of charitable intent, many generous folks fail to include charities in their estate […]