We believe that a clear financial plan provides the foundation for making good investment decisions.

We begin by listening to you. Our team of experts will spend a lot of time asking questions and listening to your thoughts, your plans, your worries, your hopes and dreams.

  • We will help you articulate clear, measurable goals for your saving, spending and giving objectives.
  • Based on your planning for how and when your assets are to be used, we will prepare a written Investment Policy Statement to meet your financial goals.
  • We will provide clear, concise quarterly performance reporting and 24/7 access to the client portal.
  • We provide our clients with the confidence that their planning is in good order and their assets are invested with an appropriate level of risk to meet their objectives.
What We Do


All of our clients are unique and have different planning and investing needs. Our services are scalable to fit your needs. In addition to the overview of services described above, our team of experts can advise you on the following:

Wealth Advisory Services

Wills & Trusts

Review and advise on wills, trusts, beneficiary designations and ownership of assets

Cash Flow Projections

Provide multi-stage retirement scenarios and cash flow projections

Tax & Estate Planning

Review and advise on tax and estate planning opportunities

College Education Funding

Provide advice regarding methods of saving for college

Debt and Financing

Provide advice on use of debt and second home financing

Employer Benefits

Provide advice on 401(k) contributions and investment allocation, stock options, deferred compensation and employer benefits

Social Security

Provide advice regarding drawing optimal social security benefits

Charitable Giving

Provide advice on charitable giving strategies, donor-advised funds, gifts of appreciated assets and charitable remainder trusts

Land Conservation

For clients with a desire to preserve land, we are uniquely positioned to provide advice regarding conservation easement planning and tax benefits

Your Other Advisors

Work closely with your attorney and accountant and other advisors to coordinate planning strategy

Family Office Services

Our family office services are as unique to each household as are your own goals and objectives. We understand that with significant wealth comes a great responsibility and added complexity to manage the impact of your wealth. We help you address the financial, social and personal aspects of your legacy with strategic, big-picture thinking to provide custom solutions across a broad range of financial issues:

Family Office Services

Mission Statement

Articulate a family mission statement that conveys your vision

Meaningful Conversations

Engage your heirs in deep discussions around family business succession, philanthropic intentions and generational wealth


Craft a roadmap and educate successors to be responsible stewards of the family’s wealth

Plan Report Card

Properly align your assets with your estate plan and track changes in asset value and ownership over time

Performance Reporting

Provide clear, concise quarterly performance reporting and 24/7 on-demand performance through client portal

Asset Protection

Review family risk management, reputation management and other asset protection measures

Estate Settlement

Provide concierge level support services to guide you through the settlement of your loved one’s estate

Fiduciary Management

Oversight of trustees, executors and other agents to ensure proper administration of your affairs

Succession Planning

Discuss transition and continuity planning for your business, your philanthropic plans and your personal financial affairs


Coordinate with your other advisors to ensure an enduring legacy

Business Owner Services

Business owners have unique planning and investing needs to fulfill the objectives of their business as well as their personal lives. We serve as a resource of support and advice throughout the lifecycle of your business and help you consider a range of business transition alternatives. We work closely with your attorneys, accountants, bankers, and M&A professionals as part of your comprehensive team of professional advisors.

Business Owner Services

  • Summarize business ownership including legal and tax structure, ownership, financial information, governance structure, and management team
  • Review and analyze existing buy/sell agreements and the related funding plans
  • Develop insights into the ownership and key management dynamics influencing the business ownership transition plan
  • Analyze the personal tax and cash flow impact of the ownership transition alternatives being considered
  • Educate stakeholders on business ownership transition to employees, family, or outside buyers
  • Develop a transition roadmap to bring clarity to the implementation plan
  • Collaborate with other experts where additional analysis is needed: business appraisers, bankers, M&A professionals, accountants, attorneys, etc.

Sound Advice,
Wise Decisions

We’ve assembled an experienced team of experts coupled with a clear investment philosophy and a disciplined, unemotional process.

Investment Approach

Investment Committee

Investment Philosophy

  • We utilize a long-term investment approach grounded in proven academic research.
  • We build a portfolio for each client with an appropriate amount of risk to achieve their goals.
  • We diversify broadly across asset class, market sector and individual security.
  • We remove emotion and speculation from the investment process, replacing them with diligence, discipline, and patience.

Investment Process

  • Investment Policy Statement—We prepare a custom-written Investment Policy Statement for each client based on age, assets, income needs, and legacy plans.
  • Portfolio Holdings—The portfolio will typically be invested in individual securities, low-cost indexed and actively managed funds, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).
  • Portfolio Management—We rebalance the portfolio to the client’s stated target allocation at regular intervals.
  • Customization—The portfolio can be customized to accommodate a client’s long-term over-weights in certain stocks or low-cost basis holdings.
  • Tax Efficiency—We utilize tax loss harvesting and an asset location strategy for greater tax efficiency.
  • Custody—Accounts are custodied at Schwab or Pershing.
  • Performance Reporting—We provide clear, comprehensive quarterly performance for each asset class, underlying managers and holdings, including assets at other institutions.
  • Bragg Client Portal—Clients have 24/7 access to account performance, transactions, capital flows, gain/loss information and more.


Bragg Financial’s Advisory Fee is calculated as a percentage of your portfolio value. Our fee starts at less than 1% of portfolio value and declines as a percentage at higher portfolio values. A minimum of $5 million in assets under management is normally required to engage our firm, although this minimum may be waived in certain circumstances. We encourage you to read more about our fee schedule and services provided in our Firm Brochure—Form ADV Part 2A.